Knee Arthroscopy Surgery in Tijuana, Mexico
Our Price starts at: $ 6,500 USD

Our Knee Arthroscopy surgery is a minimally invasive procedure in which our medical team treats various problems inside the knee joint, after rest, physical therapy or medications did not work. However, not all causes of knee pain can be effectively treated with an arthroscopic procedure, in those cases we offer the Knee Replacement Surgery.

Knee Arthroscopy Surgery Causes
We perform Knee Arthroscopy to treat the following injuries:
Our Knee Arthroscopy procedure can help patients suffering from the following injuries:
- Meniscus cartilage tears
- Anterior cruciate ligament tears
- Articular cartilage wear
- Patella problems
- Torn Cartilages
- Inflamed synovial tissue
- Loose fragments of bone or cartilage
- Knee sepsis (infection)

Best Orthopedic Surgeons in Tijuana, Mexico
The Safe, Affordable and Only Certified Medical Facilities for +10 years
- Home of Best Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeons in Mexico
- Personalized attention with US based case managers
- Home to Dr. Dario Garin and Dr. Fernando Izquierdo the most recognized and trusted names in Mexico
- Peace of mind from getting treated with the most prestigious hospitals in Mexico
- Full-scale certified hospitals and clinics with International Accreditation’s
- Best technologically advanced medical facilities in Tijuana
- Shuttle Service
- In-house Pharmacy and Chapel
- Best amenities
- Comfortable rooms with companion accommodations
Knee Arthroscopy Surgery FAQ´s
Frequently-Asked-Question about Knee Arthroscopy Surgery
For more information about our packages and how having Knee Arthroscopy Surgery at MedicalMex helps create a new you please read our most frequently asked questions or contact us today using our Request More Information form at the bottom of the page.
Orthopedic Surgery
Orthopedic Surgery Center of Excellence
We offer a wide range of orthopedic surgeries to help our patients regain the movement they lost and help them live pain free. MedicalMex offers state of the art facilities, the lastest medical technology, new and improved medical procedures all for the benefit of our patients. In addition, we only work with the best surgeons and phyisicians in the world such as: Dr. Alfonso Garcia Chavez for Orthopedic Surgery.
The main orthopedic surgery procedures available are:
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