Breast Reduction Surgery

Our Price: $4,800 USD

Breast reduction provides an effective solution for women who have oversized breasts, a condition known as breast hypertrophy. Breast hypertrophy typically occurs in both breasts and manifests at puberty or soon afterward. Breast reduction can also be performed on men who have unusually large breasts, such as the condition gynecomastia.

Breast Reduction Surgery Before and After Photos

Cosmetic Surgery Center of Excellence

Breast reduction can reduce the size of both breasts, making them in proportion to the rest of the body, or reduce the size of just one breast to match the other in cases where patients have one oversized breast. Improved breast shape and size help to improve quality of life and confidence, for both men and women.

Best Cosmetic Surgery in Tijuana, Mexico

The Safe, Affordable and Personalized Experience

  • US and Mexico Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
  • Personalized Experience, unlike everywhere else, we only accept one Mommy Makeover Surgery per day to ensure the highest level of personalized care from our entire team caring for your wellbeing and satisfaction
  • Home to Dr. Guadalupe Carrillo the most recognized female Plastic Surgeon in Tijuana and Member of ISAPS and ASPS in the United States
  • Full-scale certified hospitals and clinics with International Accreditation’s
  • Best technologically advanced medical facilities in Tijuana
  • Personal Transportation Services
  • Concierge Services for Any Type of Additional Needs
  • Comfortable rooms with space available for companion upon request

Breast Reduction Surgery FAQ´s

Frequently-Asked-Question about Breast Reduction

Learn more about our breast reduction surgery at MedicalMex, read our most frequently asked questions and if you are ready to make that step to feeling better about your body, physically and emotionally, then contact our medical team today using the inquiry form on the bottom of the screen.

Who is a candidate for breast reduction surgery at MedicalMex?
Candidates for Breast Reduction Surgery at MedicalMex in Tijuana:

-Patients are bothered by their breasts being too large.
-Patients can’t do physical activity.
-Patients have back, neck and shoulder pain caused by the weight of their breasts.
-Patients is experiencing psychological and emotional stress such as: self-consciousness, lower self-esteem and anxiety caused by the feeling of being out of proportion.
-Patients have breast hypertrophy.

However, in general candidates for any of our cosmetic surgeries at MedicalMex in Tijuana, most comply the following:

Patients with good health (BMI of 27).
Patients who don’t suffer from any of the following high-risk conditions: Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Bleeding disorders, Heart diseases or diagnosed Depression.
*If you are diagnosed with obesity or smoke and drink alcohol regularly, you can’t be a candidate for our Cosmetic Surgeries.
What to expect during breast reduction surgery at MedicalMex?
surgeon will ask you to sit upright and draw surgical markings. These markings will outline the location for the incisions later during surgery. The drawings typically take the form of an anchor encircling the areola and extending above the areola to the new location of the nipple. The markings also extend down vertically below the nipple and horizontally following the natural curve of the crease beneath your breast.

An incision is made along the surgical markings. Flaps are created on either side of the breast and the excess skin, fat and glandular tissues are removed. In most cases, the nipples are moved higher up on the breast, but remain attached to the nerves and blood vessels. In some instances, where the breasts are particularly heavy, the nipples may need to be grafted to a new location. In such cases, the nipples are separated from the underlying tissues and you will lose sensation in the nipple and areola.

After surgery, the flaps of skin are re-attached around and beneath the breast, then pulled to the front of the breast and sutured in place around the nipple. The reduction of breast tissue reduces the weight of the breast and the restructuring of the skin reshapes it.

When the procedure is finished, there are stitches around the areola and nipple area, in a vertical line extending from the nipple, and horizontally under the breast. Some surgical techniques can avoid the horizontal scar altogether. Occasionally, liposuction alone can be used to reduce breast size when only fat needs to be removed, leaving minimal scars.
What to expect after breast reduction surgery at MedicalMex?
After Breast Reduction surgery, pain and fatigue are normal. Oral painkillers should be sufficient to address the pain in the first few days after surgery. Sutures will typically be removed after seven days. Patients might also experience swelling, bruising, and firmness. These symptoms will subside over the next several weeks to months. As the swelling goes down, the breasts will get slightly smaller and as gravity and loss of skin elasticity do their natural work, the breasts will also descend somewhat.

Long Term Expectations

Scars are a normal result of the procedure, and although the scars will fade over time, they will never completely disappear. Breast reduction surgery may also result in the creation of certain “pleats or folds around the incisions, which will resolve over weeks to months, up to a year. It can take that long for scars to fade and for the breast tissue to soften and remodel itself.

Over the long-term, the breast tissue settles and begins to assume a more natural shape and appearance. Patients are usually pleased with the weight reduction, and find they can participate more freely in a variety of activities. Although most patients can breastfeed after a Breast Reduction, in a small number of cases is not possible.
Benefits and risks of breast reduction surgery at MedicalMex?
Breast reduction surgery removes part of the breast tissue to reduce the weight and size of the breasts. As a result, patients experience relief from many of the issues that accompany oversized breasts, have less pain and discomfort and can enjoy more freedom and a wider range of activities. Many patients enjoy the improved appearance of their breasts after the surgery.

Long and short-term risks

As with any surgery, there are risks. Bleeding, infection, and reaction to anesthesia are rare occurrences. Another small risk of Breast Reduction surgery is that the breasts may be asymmetrical in size and shape after surgery. During the procedure, a considerable portion of tissue is removed and the nipple must be moved, all while the patient is in a lying position. Consequently, the nipple may not be positioned properly, or the nipples may not be the same height. It can be very difficult to estimate the exact nipple location and size-and-shape change that will occur when the patient returns to an upright position.

The most common side effect of Breast Reduction is that it leaves permanent scars on the breasts. The scars remain even after the breast is completely healed. Smoking blocks oxygen intake during the healing process, so smokers can expect their breast surgery scars to be even larger and less smooth. Also, patients who fail to heed restrictions on exercise and strenuous activity run the risk of causing scars to heal improperly.
What’s included in MedicalMex breast reduction surgery package?
MedicalMex patients are transported to the hospital of their choice by our special medical shuttle directly from the San Diego airport to the hospital in Tijuana. Patient rooms at our facilities are always described as a pleasant surprise. All rooms are private with en suite bathrooms, featuring a flat screen television and ample seating and sleeping options for visitors. Suites feature private entryway and dining/conversation area.

The Breast Reduction package at MedicalMex includes:

-All pre-treatment testing and exams
-All related medical and procedure costs: surgeon, anesthesia, equipment, nursing care
-A dedicated Case Management team to guide your pre- and post-treatment experience
-Pre-treatment consult set-up if needed
-Airport pick-up and return

Please note that this package does not include the post-surgical nights in a hotel needed during recovery. MedicalMex will work with a patient to assist in finding hotel accommodations.
Why Chose MedicalMex for my Breast Reduction Surgery in Mexico?
• Our Personalized Experience, our doctors can only do one patient surgery per day to ensure the entire team is devoted to the highest-level of personal care, there are cases where we might do two based on patient’s request if they are family members or if they voluntarily want to go through the experience together. Most places do as many as they can handle and compromise on quality for obtaining the highest profits, we are opposed to this practice
• We are a US company that works to get our patients the best prices without compromising quality and safety, we do not markup.
• We are your US ally during your entire stay in Mexico, we understand the Mexican Health System and work with Reputable Medical Doctors so you can have Peace-of-Mind
• Our Reputation, we are the only provider to offer opportunity to talk to other patients that have gone through similar experience for better idea of what to expect
• We only work with veteran doctors that go through screening process to validate their credentials and experience

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