Gastric Band Surgery (Lap Band)
to Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Bariatric Revision Surgery in Tijuana, Mexico

The most common cause for the of a Gastric Band (Lap Band) Surgery is the patient’s overall lifestyle. Patients start to experience different symptoms such as vomiting or general discomfort caused by the amount of food they take and how often they do.

After every Bariatric Surgery, patients are recommended to follow a proper diet and practice a type of exercise to accomplish their weight loss goals. If they fail to do so, they aren’t able to track their food intake and they are not aware that they are overeating. If not caught on time, it can cause band slippage.

The safest and most effective solution to weight regain would be recommitting to your post-surgical diet and exercise plan. However, once the patient is experiencing band slippage, this is no longer an option. Revising to a Gastric Sleeve is the best solution since it offers a higher rate of success in weight loss than a Gastric Band.

Best Bariatric Revision Surgery in Tijuana, Mexico

The Safe, Affordable and Personalized Experience

  • US and Mexico Board Certified Weight Loss Surgeon
  • Personalized Experience, unlike everywhere else, we only accept one Weight Loss Surgery per day to ensure the highest level of personalized care from our entire team caring for your wellbeing and satisfaction
  • Home to Dr. Lopez Corvala the most recognized and trusted name in Weight-loss Surgery
  • Full-scale certified hospitals and clinics with International Accreditation’s
  • Best technologically advanced medical facilities in Tijuana
  • Personal Transportation Services
  • Concierge Services for Any Type of Additional Needs
  • Comfortable rooms with space available for companion upon request

Gastric Band Surgery to
Gastric Sleeve Surgery FAQ´s

Frequently-Asked-Questions about a Bariatric Revision Surgery

Learn the benefits, possible risks and more information regarding our Revision Surgery for Gastric Band patients experiencing complications or weight regain after their procedure.

Does a revision surgery for Gastric Band Surgery have risks?
Yes, it’s important for our Gastric Band patients to remember that all Revision Surgeries have a higher risk of complications due to the prior surgical conditions such as scaring or damage to other organs.
Can a Gastric Band be revised into other bariatric surgeries?
Yes, a Gastric Band can be revised into a Gastric Sleeve, Gastric Bypass or a Mini Gastric Bypass. All of them are weight loss surgeries available at MedicalMex.

*Weight loss results can vary depending on the individual. There is no guarantee of specific weight loss results or recovery time.
How long will the recovery be after a Revision Surgery?
The recovery period depends on the procedure our patients choose. The time can range from 3 days to 6 weeks for a full recovery. The hospital stay can vary from 2 to 3 days after your procedure. Patients usually return to their day to day activities and work after 3 weeks.
Should I follow specific instructions after my Revision Surgery?
Patients should start walking a couple of hours after their procedure.
Incision care.
Light activities for the first days after their procedure.
Patients should start their dietary plan with liquid food, a few days later start with smooth food and after three weeks they can start to eat solid food.
Avoid heavy lighting for the first weeks after their procedure.
Why Choose MedicalMex for my Bariatric Revision Surgery in Mexico?
Our Personalized Experience, our doctors can only do one patient surgery per day to ensure the entire team is devoted to the highest-level of personal care, there are cases where we might do two based on patient’s request if they are family members or if they voluntarily want to go through the experience together. Most places do as many as they can handle and compromise on quality for obtaining the highest profits, we are opposed to this practice
We are a US company that works to get our patients the best prices without compromising quality and safety, we do not markup.
We are your US ally during your entire stay in Mexico, we understand the Mexican Health System and work with Reputable Medical Doctors so you can have Peace-of-Mind
Our Reputation, we are the only provider to offer opportunity to talk to other patients that have gone through similar experience for better idea of what to expect
We only work with veteran doctors that go through screening process to validate their credentials and experience
Here are 7 other reasons to chose us for your next surgery in Mexico

Safe Weight-Loss Surgery in Mexico Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence

With over four decades of experience treating international patients from around the world, we are the safest, most affordable and experienced bariatric weight-loss surgery in Mexico

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